Tag: root chakra
Root Chakra and Kundalini Awakening

The Muladhara Chakra is a center of energy that is formed by the pranic energy flowing through the Pingala, Ida, and Sushumna nadis. Here, Pingala is the solar nadi, Ida is the lunar nadi, and Sushumna is the neutral nadi.
In the Muladhara Chakra, Sushumna is typically very inactive. As a result, a person’s entire consciousness is focused on accumulating more and more material wealth, without being conscious of anything else. Greed, anger, lust, attachment, and ego all reside here. These negative energies ensnare everyone. Only those who become aware and mindful can escape their grip. Awareness comes to those who possess concentration.
This Chakra is a Bit Difficult
Rising from this chakra is a challenging task because the bindings here seem real to the individual. Everyone believes, for instance, that they were born to amass wealth and build large structures. The desire for worldly possessions and ego fuel each other. As a person accumulates more objects, their ego grows in tandem. In such a state, consciousness is completely obscured.
What is the solution?
If you want to walk the path of Kundalini awakening, you need to work on two things simultaneously:
1. Purifying the mind
2. Concentrating the mind
If success is achieved in these two areas, the process of Kundalini awakening becomes easier.
If you are practicing Kundalini Sadhana and not seeing success, start focusing on mental purification and concentration. You will soon begin to see results.
How is Consciousness Developed?
There are multiple levels of consciousness. Each chakra generates a specific kind of awareness that helps you move to the next chakra.
When the mind is purified, and concentration increases, distractions will reduce. With regular practice, a state of awareness will arise that will allow you to naturally understand many aspects of the Muladhara Chakra.
When you begin to perceive things differently, it means that the Kundalini has started to stir.
Fighting against the Muladhara Chakra is not easy. It requires both effort and time. Until the first level of consciousness is generated, progress will be slow.
Use of Bija Mantra
The Bija Mantra for the Muladhara Chakra is “Lam,” but it should not be used directly.
Sometimes, Bija mantras generate intense energy that can be difficult to handle. Also, no mantra will work without concentration, and Bija mantras, in particular, will be ineffective without focused attention.
Another consideration is where to direct the energy generated by the Bija mantra. Should it be focused on the entire chakra or its element?
The element of the Muladhara Chakra is earth, represented by a yellow square. This chakra is symbolized by a four-petaled red lotus.
Without understanding these aspects in detail, progress is difficult. It is crucial to know where and when to apply concentration to awaken the chakra and where the Kundalini will rise.
Before awakening the Root Chakra

Root Chakra or Muladhaar Chakra
Root chakra is the first chakra among 7 chakras. This is the origin point of 3 nadis- Pingla, Ida and Sushmna. Kundalini awakening also starts from here. We must have some knowledge about this chakra, if we are suffering from the following problems of the life:-
- Out of Finance
- Poor Perception Power
- Poor Will Power
- Sense of Insecurity
If you are suffering from any of above listed problem, it means your root chakra is unbalanced. A unbalanced chakra creates a lot issues in the life. people some time went into depressions, they may face breakout, they may face very bad relationship, divorces are also outcome of unbalanced root chakra. Level of basics in the life will be went down.
Basic Structure of Root Chakra
Here is the basic structure of root chakra. Root chakra is represented by a red color lotus. There are four petals of this lotus on which different letters are embedded. These letters are from ancient Sanskrit language. at the center of which a square of yellow color is placed which represent earth element. Mantra of this chakara is Lam.
How this Chakra get imbalanced
There are many reasons. Most of them are the mental issues and our thought patterns. Your family environment, your surroundings, your upbringing and your relationships with the others are the main cause behind the imbalance of this chakra. Besides this some issues are also from your previous births.
See in this figure, if petal the number 1 get affected you will face financial issues. If petal number 2 get affected your will power become very weak. If petal number 3 get damaged your perception power become dull. If petal number 4 get disturbed you will acquire a sense of insecurity all the time.
Besides this one petal affects its opposite petal. It means if petal number 1 disturbed, it disturbed the petal number 3 and same is true with petal number 2 and 4. But this will happen when earth element become weak.
Analise first and then start the Chakra Sadhna
There should be proper analysis before starting sadhna of root chakra. We at Yoga My Life do the complete analysis and then only we allow our students to do this root chakra sadhana. One more important fact is that we don’t allow to start work directly on Root Chakra. We need to first synchronize all the chakra. There is a process of synchronization of chakra that we impart to our every disciple.
Poor Relationship and root chakra
Today world is full of tensions. Depression is spreading its area to the masses. Many people are suffering from poor relationship. Some of them are at the door step of breakup. Damaged root chakra is the subtle cause behind this poor relationship.
If you start working on this chakra you will see how situations of the life get changed. But this must be done under proper guidance and surveillance of a self realized guru.
Financial Issues or Joblessness and Root Chakra
Petal number 1 belongs to the basic instincts of the life. Financial issue are directly connected to the this petal. Likewise another petals of this chakra are responsible for joblessness and business failure.