Tag: how to meditate
Meditation During Navratri
During the days of Navratri, meditation practice holds great significance. People engage in various spiritual practices during this time. While many devotees worship and perform rituals for Maa Durga, some practitioners also wish to begin their meditation journey during these auspicious days.
Meditation during the 9 days of Navratri feels deeply rewarding and often leads to surprising results.

These days are so auspicious that you can meditate at any time—morning, evening, night, or even late at night.
Meditation Process
1. Prayer – The meditation should begin with a prayer. This prayer should be in your own words. Clearly state to the Divine what you seek from them in your prayer.
2. After the prayer, you need to practice Sanjeevani Pranayama, which is a part of the Sanjeevani Vidya. Here’s how to do it: Sit in a comfortable posture, close your eyes, take deep and long breaths, hold the breath in as long as you comfortably can, and then exhale slowly and deeply. This completes one cycle of Sanjeevani Pranayama. You should do at least 15 rounds of this.
3. After Sanjeevani Pranayama, chant the sound “Om” for 5 minutes.
4. Then, focus between your eyebrows and meditate for 10 minutes.
5. After the meditation, spend 5 minutes visualizing blue energy entering your body from above your head and filling every cell of your body. Feel this energy radiating throughout your being.
6. Finally, silently repeat the same prayer to the Divine that you had said before the meditation.
What will happen with this meditation?
Those who have practiced this method of meditation during Navratri have experienced incredible outcomes and positive results.
1. You may feel sensations in various parts of the body.
2. You may see flashes of different colors of light between your eyebrows.
3. Your level of concentration will increase.
4. You will experience bliss.
5. Your aura will become more attractive.
6. Your confidence will grow.
7. Stalled tasks may start moving forward.
Each practitioner may have different experiences, but one thing is certain—you will experience something meaningful during this process.
Why daily medication is good?

A human being of an instrument of three sub-instruments and these are:-
- A Body
- A mind
- A self or soul
It is quite surprising that when humans start seeing themselves just a body. Whereas in reality, a human being is the combination of three entities. This something that we all can experience.
We can experience we have a mind and the one who understands his own mind, is after all seperated from the mind itself, right?
The mind
We forget we have a mind and that’s why we are not worried about it. But in reality we are doing everything with the help of our mind.
What meditation do with the mind?
Meditation remove all negativities from the mind. Like our body our mind also becomes dirty with our daily activities. We take bath to clean our body but forget to give a bath to our mind. Meditation gives bath to our mind.
Daily Meditation
As daily bath is required to clean the body to keep it fit and healthy, daily meditation is also required to clean the mind and keep it healthy. If you really want to progress in your life, you must meditate daily to keep your mind fit.

When Solar Plexus Chakra get blocked
Solar Plexus or Manipur Chakra
Solar plexus chakra is the third chakra among seven chakras. It is represented by a 10 petaled flower of yellow color.
Every chakra has a element and so the solar plexus chakra. Element of this chakra is fire. Here this fire is represented by a inverted triangle of red color.
The Sun and The Solar Plexus Chakra
Just like the sun, gives energy to the entire world and sustains the life, similarly this chakra gives energy to our subtle body and sustains out physical body and life.

The Blocked Solar Plexus
If the sun becomes weak, what will happen? Everything on the earth becomes dull and finally lifeless.
Same is true in case of weak solar plexus chakra. It ruins our life. It pulls away of our confidence from us. It pulls away vitality from us.
Weak solar plexus chakra gives you fears. A weak solar plexus chakra gives you frightening dreams.
You don’t feel like doing anything.
Your Aura and Personality
Your aura become dull and your personality become deteriorated.
When you meet someone your aura get reflected first and gives a positive or negative impact on other’s.mind. weak and blocked solar plexus chakra reflects everything negative to others.

What to do to unblock the solar plexus chakra?
Start developing your concentration level first. Your concentration power has a key to unblock any chakra including solar plexus.
After developing level of concentration you need to apply this concentration on apply this on solar plexus. But keep in mind that you have to do in under proper guidance.
Note – Do not do chakra sadhna or unblocking by yourself.
ध्यान साधना में आने वाले विघ्न और उनके समाधान – Meditation Problem Solving

ध्यान, साधना में आते है यह 9 प्रकार के अवधान
योग साधना के मार्ग पर चलने वाले साधक के रास्ते में तरह तरह के विघ्न आते है जिससे कि अक्सर साधक अपने पथ से विचलित हो जाते है. कई बार यह विघ्न इतने तीव्र होते है कि साधक को पता ही नहीं चल पाता. योग साधना निरन्तर चलती रहे तभी साधना में अच्छे रिजल्ट्स मिलते है. एक बार साधक अगर पथ भ्रष्ट हो जाये तो जल्दी से वापिस आना भी मुश्किल हो जाता है.
9 प्रकार के अवधान है जो साधना मार्ग में हर साधक के आगे आते है. इन विघ्नों के बारे हर साधक को जानना आवश्यक है.
महर्षि पतंजलि ने पतंजलि योग सूत्र में सूत्र संख्या 30 में इसके बारे में बताया है.
यह 9 विघ्न इस प्रकार से है
- शरीरिक रोग या मन सम्बन्धी रोग
- अकर्मण्यता – कुछ भी न करने का मन करना
- संदेह – खुद पर और योग पर संदेह उत्पन्न हो जाना
- योग साधना में बेपरवाही बरतना
- शरीर में भारीपन के कारण आलस्य आना
- वैराग्य की भावना अचानक ख़त्म हो जाना
- मिथ्याज्ञान आ जाना – यानि रस्सी को सांप और सांप को रस्सी समझना
- चित की चंचलता बढ़ जाना
- समाधि की अप्राप्ति – यानि समाधि को छूते छूते रुक जाना
यह सारे के सारे विघ्न है जो साधना के मार्ग में हर साधक के सामने किसी न किसी रूप में आते है. अगर साधक सचेत है तो सही नहीं तो ये विघ्न साधक को उसके मार्ग से हटाने में कामयाब होते ही है.
यह वास्तव में चित की चंचलता की वजह से होते है. इन विघ्नों को योग के अन्तराए भी कहते है.
इसका समाधान क्या है?
पहला तरीका एक अच्छे गुरु का होना जो आपको हरदम एक उचित दिशा देता रहे.
दूसरा तरीका है ॐ का उच्चारण. ॐ, प्रणव, इक ओंकार एक ही है. अगर आप हिन्दू धर्म से नहीं है या फिर किसी कारणवश ॐ का उच्चारण नहीं करना चाहते है तो इसकी जगह भ्रामरी प्राणायाम भी कर सकते है.
तीसरा तरीका है मन ही मन ॐ का जप
चोथा तरीका है शाश्त्र अध्यन करना. अपने धर्मानुसार किसी भी शाश्त्र का आप अधयन्न कर सकते है.
सबसे जरुरी है निरंतर प्रयास. चाहे कुछ भी मन में आये फिर भी निरंतर प्रयास करना अति आवश्यक है.