Tag: grounding

Kundalini Awakening and Sexual Desires

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Kundalini awakening and sexual desires are closely related.

As kundalini rises in upward direction, it will inevitably effect sexuality. Sometimes when kundalini reaches at the Sacral Chakra or Swadhishthan Chakra, it evokes the sexual desires because some part of kundalini energy may converted into sexual energy.

Why it happened?

This happened because next channel is sometimes partially closed. If next channel (Manipura Chakra) is fully closed then their are great chances that sexual desires will evoke potentially. You will feel strong craving for sex.

That’s why it is always recommended that never play with kundalini by your own.

What is the solution?

Solution is different for different people. I first analyse the problem and then only decide the solution.

But here are some general solutions which are equally applicable to all to neutralize these excessive energies. These are:-

1. Grounding with Soil

2. Grounding with Water

3. Grounding with Moon Energies

These 3 points are specially for those who get stucked at the sacral chakra or Swadhishthan Chakra.

The Manipura Chakra

This is very tough chakra to cross. This is actually a powerful and is itself a potential source of energy. Powers resides here. Different energies of physical world are here to stop the passage of kundalini.

Kundalini actually flows through sushmna channel and it is very difficult to clear the sushumna passage specially at Manipura chakra.

How to deal with Manipura Chakra

What I give to my disciples is yoga nidra and some guided meditation techniques. I have developed some yoga nidra and guided meditation techniques specially for this chakra.

Some people start doing with beeja mantra directly which is a wrong way actually and is not advisable.

Kundalini Awakening and Grounding

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Kundalini Awakening

Kundalini awakening is a divine process that connects you to the third realm. When you go for it you face many problems out of which. These problems cause a sense of uneasiness within you.

Preventions of these problems is essential of one wish to progress on this spiritual path.


Simple meaning of grounding is touch your feet with the earth. Ground is most effective when done.

Direct contact with the earth can help release the excess energy and give a sense of calmness. You feel balanced.

Why grounding

Grounding is a simple yet powerful therapy on this spiritual path.

When you face severe sensation at different body parts and feeling of tension or pulls at the top of the head, at that time ground is the only way to get relief from.

How grounding helps?

When you earn excessive energies from different practices of kundalini awakening, you need to transfer these energies to some  external mediums. These mediums are the absorbent of these excessive energies.

But these external medium must be capable of receiving these subtle energies.

Grounding on Wooden Surface
Grounding on Wooden Surface

External Source to transfer excessive energies

These are:-

  1. Earth soft surface
  2. Earth hard surface
  3. Earth wet surface
  4. Water
  5. Air
  6. Green trees and plants
  7. Green Grass
  8. Sand
  9. Wood Grounding
  10. Air and water grounding

Through these sources you can transfer the excessive energies.

Hard and Soft Surface Grounding
Hard and Soft Surface Grounding

If this excessive energy not to transfer

This can lead to mental strain, physical strain and which stop or reduce the progress.

Grounding practices are essential to release these excessive energies to balance the mind and the body.

Air and water grounding
Air and water grounding
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