Tag: chakra sadhna
How to awake Kundalini

Kundalini is a secret divine power which exist in every human being irrespective of any religion and race.
Everyone can awaken this divine power when he want to explore divine world within him.
Spiritual Progress
Kundalini will take you into realm of spirituality. So, you must know that before working upon it that you will not get any worldly power.
You will revealed to another parallel world of spirituality around you.
How to start kundalini awakening?
Concentration is the key point if you want to start kundalini sadhna.
There are many methods to enhance the level of concentration. In my opinion yoga nidra and tratak are best practices to gain level of concentration with purity of the mind.
Purity of mind is another aspects which is mandatory to awaken kundalini power.
If you gain concentration without purity of mind you can’t go forward in right direction.
How to uplift kundalini
Kundalini is residing in sushmna nadi at root chakra. When we apply concentration at root chakra, it boost prana in sushmna nadi and kundalini get uplifted.
But it is not easy to uplift it because at the same point of root chakra 2 more nadis are there which are meant to through your concentration and awareness outwardly.
But by regular practices under the guidance of a self realised guru we can achieve it.
How to cross different segments
There are different segments those you have to cross to awaken kundalini fully.
A segment means the path between the two chakras. For example first segment is the path between root chakra to sacral chakra. When you cross this segment many spiritual things revealed to you. Many fears will be disappear from your life.
So, every segment after crossing will give you a lot to ease your life.
Kundalini awakening is a long spiritual journey which gradually and slowly turn in your life into the magical world of spirituality.
Consciousness start developing when kundalini crosses it first segment. This is the another most important part of kundalini awakening. Without consciousness there is no chance to go upward with kundalini.
Third Eye Activation Process
Third eye activation is a long process and you have to devote time and concentration to awaken it.
It is so fascinating, it can even change your life. You will become a totally different person than before.
Location of third eye
Location of third is just opposite to the agya or ajna chakra. This is the central point of our forehead just between two eyebrows.
Exact location traces with personal experience when you start seeing different colors at there after you close your eyes.
Interesting fact about your third eye
The third eye has nothing to do with our physical eyes. Both are different. But one thing is common and this thing is, the power with the help of which you see through your physical eyes.
Practice round – 1
Let’s do a practice. Just close your eyes and try to see the color. Don’t worry if you don’t see any color. But by practice you will see different colors here. You can do this practice anytime and anywhere. Just close your eyes and try to see with close eyes.
But remember focus should always be in between two eyebrows point.

What is important key point?
Nothing is more important than concentration. So, your first priority must be to increase the level of concentration.
There are couple of methods to increase the level of concentration. I prefer yoga nidra and tratak and same I recommend to my students and disciples.
Practice round – 2
Just sit in any comfortable position. Watch the things around you. Do in for 5 to 10 seconds only. Then after close your eyes and now visualise the what you have seen with open eyes.
Practice it couple of time. You can do this practice anywhere.
High Level Exercises
High level exercises to develop the third eye is actually decided by your guru. Unde my supervision I recommend my disciples according to experiences they are observing. This practical method is excellent to awaken the third eye.
Different persons different tastes
Just as everyone’s tastes are different, kundalini exercises also vary from person to person. Replies or reactions from different minds will be different.
So, at deep level same exercise cannot be given to everyone.
When Solar Plexus Chakra get blocked
Solar Plexus or Manipur Chakra
Solar plexus chakra is the third chakra among seven chakras. It is represented by a 10 petaled flower of yellow color.
Every chakra has a element and so the solar plexus chakra. Element of this chakra is fire. Here this fire is represented by a inverted triangle of red color.
The Sun and The Solar Plexus Chakra
Just like the sun, gives energy to the entire world and sustains the life, similarly this chakra gives energy to our subtle body and sustains out physical body and life.

The Blocked Solar Plexus
If the sun becomes weak, what will happen? Everything on the earth becomes dull and finally lifeless.
Same is true in case of weak solar plexus chakra. It ruins our life. It pulls away of our confidence from us. It pulls away vitality from us.
Weak solar plexus chakra gives you fears. A weak solar plexus chakra gives you frightening dreams.
You don’t feel like doing anything.
Your Aura and Personality
Your aura become dull and your personality become deteriorated.
When you meet someone your aura get reflected first and gives a positive or negative impact on other’s.mind. weak and blocked solar plexus chakra reflects everything negative to others.

What to do to unblock the solar plexus chakra?
Start developing your concentration level first. Your concentration power has a key to unblock any chakra including solar plexus.
After developing level of concentration you need to apply this concentration on apply this on solar plexus. But keep in mind that you have to do in under proper guidance.