What is Swara Yoga?

Swara and Yoga

There are two words in this sentence. Swara and Yoga. Swara refers to the flow of breathe in a particular nostril. Human nose has two nostrils. Right nostril; on the right side of the body and left nostril is on the left side of the body. Swara is flow of breathe either in right nostril or in left nostril or in both the nostrils simultaneously.  So swara is flow of air from + nostril or nostrils.

Second word is yoga, a very famous word of today. In Sanskrit language meaning of yoga is union, Union with what? Union with your inner self. Union with your Cause of your existence.  So Swara Yoga means union with the help of science of swara. Science of swara is science of your own breath.

Science of swara

Your breathing is creating some special patterns. These patterns are called breathing patterns. Swara Yoga says a healthy human being must have a right breathing pattern. Different human being have different breathing patterns. This depend upon timing of rising of sun and also depend upon the waxing and waning of moon.

Let’s do an exercise. Can you please notice yourself right now? Can you please observe flow of breathe below your nose and find out which one nostril is more active? To know it exactly just press right side of the nose near right nostril and close the right nostril. Your right nostril is closed now. Be aware of your left nostril. Watch the intensity of flow of air in the left nostril. Now press left side of the nose near left nostril and close the left nostril. Experience the intensity of flow of air in the right nostril. Judge which nostril is more active. If right nostril is more active we name it as Pingla swara, if left nostril is more active we name it as ida swara and if you find both nostrils are equally active; means air flowing equally out of two nostrils; we name it as sushmna Swara.

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Pingla, Ida  & Third Sushmna

Now we have three possibilities. One is Pingla Second is Ida and Third is Sushmna

So, pingla is flow of breathe in right nostril. This is sun energy and is concerned with vital force; the prana. This is a positive nadi. Nadi is path of flow of subtle energies.

Ida, is flow of breathe in left nostril. This is moon energy. This is related to our mind. This is a negative nadi.

Third possibility is equal flow of breath in both the nostrils. This possibility is called Susushmna Nadi. This is a neutral nadi.

Shiva Sarvodya Shashtra

What I am telling is given in an Ancient Indian Holy Scripture – Shiva Sarvodya Shashtra – Shiva is Hindu’s Lord. Lord Shiva told this precious art to her wife Mother Parvati.

Flow of breathe in right nostril is concerned with the left hemisphere of our brain.

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Flow of breathe in left nostril is concerned with the right hemisphere of our brain.

According to an article published on official website of “The National Centre for Biotechnology Information advances science and health by providing access to biomedical and genomic information, USA”, that an association has been reported between the dominant nostril through which we breathe and the cerebral hemisphere found to be active.    

 Breathing Patterns

We all have a breathing patterns. According to this secret scripture – flow of a breathe in a particular nostril remain about 60 minutes & after 60 minutes a neutral period starts. This neutral period remains 1-4 minutes and breathe start flowing in the second nostril.

Neutral period means flow of breathe in both the nostrils equally. When this happens mind automatically become one pointed. Concentration become sharp. If you meditate in this flow you will enjoy the relaxation. You can try it any time.

Real aim of a yogi is to enhance the time of this particular sushmna flow of breathe. Irrespective of religion this science of breathing is applicable to all human beings.

If you start any physical activity in the time of flow of sushmna; your efforts would not be materialized. If flow of breathe in both nostrils is equal than this is the time for prayers or for the meditation only. 

Now I come to the breathing pattern. I told you that we all have our breathing patterns.

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Automatically breathing is changing after every 60 minutes

Automatically breathing is changing after every 60 minutes. This is mentioned in the ancient scripture of India. This change happens according to cycle of moon and rising time of sun. According to Shiva Sarwodya Scripture everyday sun rises decide which nadi should be active on that particular day. It’s also depend on waxing and waning of the moon.

For example when moon is waxing; the first three days  Ida nadi or Left Nostril flow would be active at the time of rise of sun. Next three days Pingla or Right Flow would be active at the time of sun rise in this way next three days it would be Ida and another next three days again Pingla and last three days Ida would flow at the time of sun rise.

If breathe pattern is not going accordingly it means breathing pattern is not right. Wrong breathing pattern may leads one to a physical diseases or a Psychological disorder.

According to this great science if one is going to fall ill in future his/her breathing cycle would starts changing today. If we become aware of our breathing cycle in present we can prevent onslaught of diseases in future. This is only first part of this great science. Rest we will discuss in next coming videos. So I request you to be with us. Subscribe our channel. Be with us.

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