Author: Acharya Harish
Blue Light Healing

Healing is a therapy with the help of which we can cure ourselves and other with energies.
Everyone has a aura around him. People who meditate regularly have a strong aura around their physical body. If you have a strong aura then only you can heal others.
We can heal with your personal energies and through external energies too.
Types of healing
Their are two types of healings and these are:-
- Internal Healing
- External Healing
Which healing is good?
External healing is always good for a healer. Because in external healing you are using external source of healing and when you do healing through an external source you also get healed.
External Source of Healing
Some of external source of healing are:-
- Mantra Healing
- Tantra Healing
- Symbol Healing
- Idol Healing
- Lights healing
- Sun Healing
- Moon Healing
- Planets Healing
- Panchmahabhuta Healing
- Chakra Healing
Blue Light Healing
Blue light is an excellent source of healing which gives ever new energy to the whole body and mind.
This is the light which we see when we touch the deep level of meditation.

How to do blue light Healing
- Sit in a comfortable posture
- Concentrate your mind first
- Take your awareness at the third eye and after some time you will start seeing the blue light
- Feel the sensation of blue light at your crown chakra and spread it into your own body first
- Now send the same blue light to crown chakra of other person
- Don’t take away your attention from the third eye.
Blue Light Healing is easy to practice and easy to handle. It gives quick results.
A Note on Tratak

Tratak is a technique which directly works on your mind. It do two work simultaneously, it cleanse the mind and it concentrate the mind.
Types of Tratak
There are mainly two types of tratak.
- External Tratak
- Internal Tratak
Practices of both yeild different results.
External Tratak
External tratak first work on your eyes. Yours eyes become attractive and beautiful with regular practice of tratak for 40 days.
Besides this tratak connect you to some external unknown power and only a tratak practitioner can experience this.
Internal Tratak
Internal tratak directly work on your mind. It enhances the concentration level. It helps to develop the third eye and agya chakra.

Methods of practicing tratak
There are many methods of practicing tratak and some of them are:-
- Jyoti Tratak
- Bindu Tratak
- Surya Tratak
- Moon Tratak
- Mirror Tratak
- Shadow Tratak
- Nature Tratak
- Sky Tratak
- Panchmahabhuta Tratak
- Light Tratak
- Idol Tratak
- Mountain Tratak
Gherand Samhita
Practice of jyoti tratak is mentioned in Gherand Samhita. Gherand Samhita is an ancient Hindu scripture written around 1700 CE in the Bengal region of India.
Gherand Samhita is written in the shape of dialogues between sage Gheranda and Chanda.
External and Internal Tratak are mentions in detail.
Never Practice Tratak by you own. Always do it under proper guidance of a realised and learned master.
How to Start Practice of Tratak
You can’t do it yourself. Under proper guidance it is prescribed. You need a clean and ventilated space for Jyoti tratak and ofcourse you can start with Jyoti tratak directly.

Learn the practice first and then do it. Sometimes you may get all sudden results, immediately tell these outcomes to your master or guru. He will tell you what to do next.
It is possible that results may come late but they will definitely come.
Before awakening the Root Chakra

Root Chakra or Muladhaar Chakra
Root chakra is the first chakra among 7 chakras. This is the origin point of 3 nadis- Pingla, Ida and Sushmna. Kundalini awakening also starts from here. We must have some knowledge about this chakra, if we are suffering from the following problems of the life:-
- Out of Finance
- Poor Perception Power
- Poor Will Power
- Sense of Insecurity
If you are suffering from any of above listed problem, it means your root chakra is unbalanced. A unbalanced chakra creates a lot issues in the life. people some time went into depressions, they may face breakout, they may face very bad relationship, divorces are also outcome of unbalanced root chakra. Level of basics in the life will be went down.
Basic Structure of Root Chakra
Here is the basic structure of root chakra. Root chakra is represented by a red color lotus. There are four petals of this lotus on which different letters are embedded. These letters are from ancient Sanskrit language. at the center of which a square of yellow color is placed which represent earth element. Mantra of this chakara is Lam.
How this Chakra get imbalanced
There are many reasons. Most of them are the mental issues and our thought patterns. Your family environment, your surroundings, your upbringing and your relationships with the others are the main cause behind the imbalance of this chakra. Besides this some issues are also from your previous births.
See in this figure, if petal the number 1 get affected you will face financial issues. If petal number 2 get affected your will power become very weak. If petal number 3 get damaged your perception power become dull. If petal number 4 get disturbed you will acquire a sense of insecurity all the time.
Besides this one petal affects its opposite petal. It means if petal number 1 disturbed, it disturbed the petal number 3 and same is true with petal number 2 and 4. But this will happen when earth element become weak.
Analise first and then start the Chakra Sadhna
There should be proper analysis before starting sadhna of root chakra. We at Yoga My Life do the complete analysis and then only we allow our students to do this root chakra sadhana. One more important fact is that we don’t allow to start work directly on Root Chakra. We need to first synchronize all the chakra. There is a process of synchronization of chakra that we impart to our every disciple.
Poor Relationship and root chakra
Today world is full of tensions. Depression is spreading its area to the masses. Many people are suffering from poor relationship. Some of them are at the door step of breakup. Damaged root chakra is the subtle cause behind this poor relationship.
If you start working on this chakra you will see how situations of the life get changed. But this must be done under proper guidance and surveillance of a self realized guru.
Financial Issues or Joblessness and Root Chakra
Petal number 1 belongs to the basic instincts of the life. Financial issue are directly connected to the this petal. Likewise another petals of this chakra are responsible for joblessness and business failure.
Potential Dangers of Energy Healing
Healing and Energy Healing
A doctor gives medicines to heal his patients. We sometimes give money to a needy person to heal his financial health. All these helps and donations are called healings.
When we do it at energy level this is called as energy healing.
In energy healing we work on our energy body. To work on energy body is actually a dangerous thing.

Potential Danger behind the energy healing
Many people find great joy in helping others with their money. There is a saying that if you keep giving away your wealth like this, a day will come when you yourself becomes a begger.

It doesn’t mean that we should not help others. We should help others wisely so that it’s doesn’t affect us negatively.
In healing if you transfer your own energy to the another needy person, you will fall in loss. If you keep doing this regularly, oneday, you might become a needy person yourself.
If you tranfer your own energies to others then a day come you will fall ill and your mental health start affecting.
Then a day will come you will not able to heal more. This is the potential danger of this energy healing if you do it in this way.

What to do next?
Always do healing through some external sources. For example you want to crear negative aura of a person then first connect yourself with divine source of blue light and bring that blue light on yourself and on that person simultaneously. Now with this process you will gain and other person will also gain. There will be no loss to any one here.

Obstacles on the path of kundalini
If you want to awaken the Kundalini
Kundalini awakening is a very subtle process and can’t be done without the help of a guru.
Important Points
You must know the following points if you are going to awaken it:-
- Path of Kundalini
- Concentration power you have
- Development of concentration power
- Understanding of Prana Shakti
- How Prana raise the level of kundalini
- Role of Root Chakra
- Path of Kundalini Shakti
- Understand the consciousness
- Obstacles caused by the other chakras.
- How to deal with obstacles
- Daily sadhna
You need to pay attention on these points and discuss all the points with your guru.
It is very important to reflect on all these times from time to time.
Mind Surveillance
At every night before sleeping you have to observe your mind that what new is coming and what old has gone from it.
What is the present condition of your mind. What your mind is thinking and how.
This is very very subtle level of surveillance and your mind will not allow you to do that. But the one who makes the efforts always win in the end.

Different people different problems
In kundalini sadhna two people doing under one guru may not experience same problem. So, do not relate yourself with the others.
I have seen this in hundreds of my students and disciples.
Can I do it by my own?
You can do it but under proper guidance of a self realised guru. Today communication means become different so you can take online teaching and guidance but never try it yourself.

Medicines of Sounds
Sounds are both medicine and intoxication. As good as they are, they can be equally harmful.
Remember the last time when someone honked loudly very next to you. That was a very irritating experience and something strange happened in the mind.

Now recall the those moments when you listened to your favourite music and how peaceful you felt.
We encounter both of these situations regularly. But never analyse in deep.
Naad Yoga or Nada Yoga
We all listen the outer sounds through our ears. This externalise our awareness to the outer world. In Hinduism there a word, naad which means deep inner sounds. Final nada taught is Hinduism is sound of om and Sikhism is Ik Onkar. This nada sound is also have a significance in Jainism and Buddhism.

How to listen a Nada or Naad
You didn’t need to externalise yourself to listen nada. You need to withdraw your awareness from the outer world and shift it to the inner world.
Concentration will play an important role here. So, first you have to develop concentration and then start listening the inner sounds.
Naad Practice -1
- Sit in any comfortable posture
- Close your eyes
- Practice Bharamari Pranayama
- Now open your eyes
- Close your ears with your fingers.
- Now again close your eyes
- Try to listen the inner sounds
- You will listen many sounds here. But you have to concentrate on one louder sound only.
- This will give you immediate relaxation.
Nada is medicine
When you go deep with these inner sounds you fill find that these sounds work as medicines for you.
Each sound has concern with a particular chakra and remove the impurities from that particular chakra. This will change your entire life.
Mystery of the Throat Chakra
There are seven main chakras and throat chakra or vishuddhi chakra is the fifth one. Stories of mystery start from here.

Different parameters of this chakra
Color of this chakra is blue, mantra is ham. This chakra is represented by a flower of 16 petals. Tattva or element related to this chakra is Ether or Akasha.
What is the mystery behind this chakra
It connects you with the unknown world. It gives you mysterious experiences. You will get connected to your divine or spiritual guides. You will feel that some unknown powers are also working around you.

Astral Traveling and Throat Chakra
Astral traveling starts from the throat chakra. This is the chakra where you actually understand the mysterious paths of another world. Your consciousness become so subtle that you understand the very fact behind the worldly scene.
Some examples of astral travelling is mentioned in ancient Indian scripture Yoga Vashishtha.

What you will learn?
You attentions automatically diverted to the super natural paths of divinity. Your interests become different here. You will start things about the powers which are working behind the scenes of the world.
Third Eye and Throat Chakra
When your third eye will get tuned with vishuddhi or throat chakra, you will see mysterious characters at your third eye sometimes.
You may also see different shapes which may create puzzles in your mind. But answer to every question or puzzle will arise in your mind automatically.
Chakra sadhna must be practiced under guidance of a self realised guru.
Miracles of Brain Meditation
What is brain meditation?
Brain meditation is the application of awareness or consciousness on the different parts of the brain.
You must have practiced yoga nidra, what we do in yoga nidra is exactly need to do in brain meditation.
Important part of yoga nidra
Important and most beautiful part of yoga nidra is when we rotate our awareness on different parts of our body. This rotation generates amazing results.
But when this process apply on brain results become wordless.

Spiritual Psychology
This is a new science which is also known as Neuro Theology. Application of spirituality in neurology.This work is being conducted in the many countries across the world.
How to do it?
As I said above that we apply pure consciousness or awareness on different parts of the brain and you have prepared about it.
First work on concentration because it is the concentration which finally changed into consciousness.
The key is to see how long you can remain conscious.

Speechless Results
When you do this you fill experience speechless results. You suddenly get peace and your whole body becomes relaxed.
Brain meditation gives quick results. Within few second you start feeling sensations at different parts of the brain and their effects on different parts of the body.
My personal experience
I am working in this field for last 10 years and did a lot of experiments on myself. After that I designed an online course on it.
People around the world taken this course and everyone experience the amazing results.
Actually we start from developing concentration and after achieving a good level of concentration we give brain meditation exercises to our students and disciples.
Guided Brain Meditation
We developed guided brain meditation techniques with beautiful 5 D music and this gives a tranquilizing experience to our brain. Within few seconds you start getting results.
But again saying, that every thing is depend upon level of concentration.
What researches are going on?
Neuro Spiritual Scientists are doing researches with different prayers, mantras from different religions.
They are using modern equipments to detect the brain movement while one do chanting.

Third Eye Activation Process
Third eye activation is a long process and you have to devote time and concentration to awaken it.
It is so fascinating, it can even change your life. You will become a totally different person than before.
Location of third eye
Location of third is just opposite to the agya or ajna chakra. This is the central point of our forehead just between two eyebrows.
Exact location traces with personal experience when you start seeing different colors at there after you close your eyes.
Interesting fact about your third eye
The third eye has nothing to do with our physical eyes. Both are different. But one thing is common and this thing is, the power with the help of which you see through your physical eyes.
Practice round – 1
Let’s do a practice. Just close your eyes and try to see the color. Don’t worry if you don’t see any color. But by practice you will see different colors here. You can do this practice anytime and anywhere. Just close your eyes and try to see with close eyes.
But remember focus should always be in between two eyebrows point.

What is important key point?
Nothing is more important than concentration. So, your first priority must be to increase the level of concentration.
There are couple of methods to increase the level of concentration. I prefer yoga nidra and tratak and same I recommend to my students and disciples.
Practice round – 2
Just sit in any comfortable position. Watch the things around you. Do in for 5 to 10 seconds only. Then after close your eyes and now visualise the what you have seen with open eyes.
Practice it couple of time. You can do this practice anywhere.
High Level Exercises
High level exercises to develop the third eye is actually decided by your guru. Unde my supervision I recommend my disciples according to experiences they are observing. This practical method is excellent to awaken the third eye.
Different persons different tastes
Just as everyone’s tastes are different, kundalini exercises also vary from person to person. Replies or reactions from different minds will be different.
So, at deep level same exercise cannot be given to everyone.