Author: Acharya Harish
How to awake Kundalini

Kundalini is a secret divine power which exist in every human being irrespective of any religion and race.
Everyone can awaken this divine power when he want to explore divine world within him.
Spiritual Progress
Kundalini will take you into realm of spirituality. So, you must know that before working upon it that you will not get any worldly power.
You will revealed to another parallel world of spirituality around you.
How to start kundalini awakening?
Concentration is the key point if you want to start kundalini sadhna.
There are many methods to enhance the level of concentration. In my opinion yoga nidra and tratak are best practices to gain level of concentration with purity of the mind.
Purity of mind is another aspects which is mandatory to awaken kundalini power.
If you gain concentration without purity of mind you can’t go forward in right direction.
How to uplift kundalini
Kundalini is residing in sushmna nadi at root chakra. When we apply concentration at root chakra, it boost prana in sushmna nadi and kundalini get uplifted.
But it is not easy to uplift it because at the same point of root chakra 2 more nadis are there which are meant to through your concentration and awareness outwardly.
But by regular practices under the guidance of a self realised guru we can achieve it.
How to cross different segments
There are different segments those you have to cross to awaken kundalini fully.
A segment means the path between the two chakras. For example first segment is the path between root chakra to sacral chakra. When you cross this segment many spiritual things revealed to you. Many fears will be disappear from your life.
So, every segment after crossing will give you a lot to ease your life.
Kundalini awakening is a long spiritual journey which gradually and slowly turn in your life into the magical world of spirituality.
Consciousness start developing when kundalini crosses it first segment. This is the another most important part of kundalini awakening. Without consciousness there is no chance to go upward with kundalini.
The Significance of Healing During Navratri

Healing can take various forms. Taking medicine is also a kind of healing. Anything that helps you recover from an illness or a miserable state is called healing.
In spirituality, energy healing is practiced, commonly known as healing.
The Human Aura
The aura surrounding a person is not static; it changes constantly. Sometimes, due to the negative thoughts within, this aura becomes so negative that we fall prey to mental or physical illnesses. Our aura is composed of various types of human energies. Once it becomes imbalanced, it requires external energy to restore balance. The process of providing this external energy is known as healing.
Who can heal?
Only those who possess an abundant amount of spiritual energy and know how to transfer this energy to others can perform healing.
Navratri Healing
During Navratri, healing works exceptionally well. The healer can easily transfer its benefits to those in need because the atmosphere is filled with spiritual energy during this period. This spiritual energy benefits both the healer and the one receiving the healing.
How Many Days Are Auspicious?
From Navratri to Diwali, and even the entire month of Kartik, all these days are highly auspicious for healing. These days are also beneficial for spiritual practices. During this time, one can heal themselves by removing negative energies from within. While healing can be done at any time, this period is the most suitable for receiving healing energy.

Healing with Beeja Mantra
There are many seed mantras associated with Goddess Durga that can aid in healing. These seed mantra are beeja mantra. These mantras become especially powerful during this period. Those who are knowledgeable in this practice can use these mantras to benefit both themselves and others.
Meditation During Navratri
During the days of Navratri, meditation practice holds great significance. People engage in various spiritual practices during this time. While many devotees worship and perform rituals for Maa Durga, some practitioners also wish to begin their meditation journey during these auspicious days.
Meditation during the 9 days of Navratri feels deeply rewarding and often leads to surprising results.

These days are so auspicious that you can meditate at any time—morning, evening, night, or even late at night.
Meditation Process
1. Prayer – The meditation should begin with a prayer. This prayer should be in your own words. Clearly state to the Divine what you seek from them in your prayer.
2. After the prayer, you need to practice Sanjeevani Pranayama, which is a part of the Sanjeevani Vidya. Here’s how to do it: Sit in a comfortable posture, close your eyes, take deep and long breaths, hold the breath in as long as you comfortably can, and then exhale slowly and deeply. This completes one cycle of Sanjeevani Pranayama. You should do at least 15 rounds of this.
3. After Sanjeevani Pranayama, chant the sound “Om” for 5 minutes.
4. Then, focus between your eyebrows and meditate for 10 minutes.
5. After the meditation, spend 5 minutes visualizing blue energy entering your body from above your head and filling every cell of your body. Feel this energy radiating throughout your being.
6. Finally, silently repeat the same prayer to the Divine that you had said before the meditation.
What will happen with this meditation?
Those who have practiced this method of meditation during Navratri have experienced incredible outcomes and positive results.
1. You may feel sensations in various parts of the body.
2. You may see flashes of different colors of light between your eyebrows.
3. Your level of concentration will increase.
4. You will experience bliss.
5. Your aura will become more attractive.
6. Your confidence will grow.
7. Stalled tasks may start moving forward.
Each practitioner may have different experiences, but one thing is certain—you will experience something meaningful during this process.
Root Chakra and Kundalini Awakening

The Muladhara Chakra is a center of energy that is formed by the pranic energy flowing through the Pingala, Ida, and Sushumna nadis. Here, Pingala is the solar nadi, Ida is the lunar nadi, and Sushumna is the neutral nadi.
In the Muladhara Chakra, Sushumna is typically very inactive. As a result, a person’s entire consciousness is focused on accumulating more and more material wealth, without being conscious of anything else. Greed, anger, lust, attachment, and ego all reside here. These negative energies ensnare everyone. Only those who become aware and mindful can escape their grip. Awareness comes to those who possess concentration.
This Chakra is a Bit Difficult
Rising from this chakra is a challenging task because the bindings here seem real to the individual. Everyone believes, for instance, that they were born to amass wealth and build large structures. The desire for worldly possessions and ego fuel each other. As a person accumulates more objects, their ego grows in tandem. In such a state, consciousness is completely obscured.
What is the solution?
If you want to walk the path of Kundalini awakening, you need to work on two things simultaneously:
1. Purifying the mind
2. Concentrating the mind
If success is achieved in these two areas, the process of Kundalini awakening becomes easier.
If you are practicing Kundalini Sadhana and not seeing success, start focusing on mental purification and concentration. You will soon begin to see results.
How is Consciousness Developed?
There are multiple levels of consciousness. Each chakra generates a specific kind of awareness that helps you move to the next chakra.
When the mind is purified, and concentration increases, distractions will reduce. With regular practice, a state of awareness will arise that will allow you to naturally understand many aspects of the Muladhara Chakra.
When you begin to perceive things differently, it means that the Kundalini has started to stir.
Fighting against the Muladhara Chakra is not easy. It requires both effort and time. Until the first level of consciousness is generated, progress will be slow.
Use of Bija Mantra
The Bija Mantra for the Muladhara Chakra is “Lam,” but it should not be used directly.
Sometimes, Bija mantras generate intense energy that can be difficult to handle. Also, no mantra will work without concentration, and Bija mantras, in particular, will be ineffective without focused attention.
Another consideration is where to direct the energy generated by the Bija mantra. Should it be focused on the entire chakra or its element?
The element of the Muladhara Chakra is earth, represented by a yellow square. This chakra is symbolized by a four-petaled red lotus.
Without understanding these aspects in detail, progress is difficult. It is crucial to know where and when to apply concentration to awaken the chakra and where the Kundalini will rise.
How to awaken Spiritual Powers

Before awakening inner powers, we need to understand whether we are capable of handling those powers. Often, a person may awaken their inner powers, but those very powers can ruin and derail their life. Therefore, before awakening any inner power, we must first examine the condition of our mind and determine whether it is in a suitable state.
For example, when working with inner powers, we usually start with concentration. Now, if the mind is not purified and concentration is attained, it’s possible that concentration may align with impure or negative thoughts, leading to undesirable consequences, which you can imagine.
How Do We Attain Inner Powers?
The journey of attaining inner powers begins with concentration, as these powers are all mental and assist us in achieving success in life. Concentration leads us to meditation. In simple terms, we can say that these powers are obtained through meditation. However, the reality is that these powers start developing before meditation, and sometimes, they can divert us from the path of meditation.
Is Caution Necessary?
What precautions should be taken? You need to clearly understand one thing: before starting any work on concentration, you must first purify your mind. If the mind remains impure, serious issues will arise, as concentration will transform into negative powers, and you may not even realize when this shift occurs.
How to Purify the Mind?
The most effective and logical method for purifying the mind is Tratak (a yogic practice of fixed gazing). Tratak serves three purposes at once:
1. Purifies the mind.
2. Improves concentration.
3. Awakens inner powers.
Tratak is a process that thoroughly cleanses the mind. Additionally, it will develop an extraordinary aura within you, enhancing your personality.
However, keep in mind that Tratak should not be practiced without the guidance of a guru, as this practice comes with its own challenges.
First Purify the Mind, Then Concentrate
Once the mind is purified, you can incorporate other methods of concentration into your practice. But whatever you add, do so only with the permission of your guru. Based on the experiences you have, your guru will guide you toward the concentration technique most suitable for you.
The technique for concentration that is tailored to your individual experiences will be the one that works for you.
Working on concentration is easy, but managing it is not. I’ve seen this in many of my disciples: concentration works differently for each person, and everyone has different experiences. While some experiences are common, many are unique to the individual.
Which is more important, consciousness or the knowledge?

No, one cannot attain complete knowledge solely through intellectual understanding, and consciousness cannot even be touched based on knowledge alone. Knowledge, irrespective of its field, always arises from within and radiates outward, not the other way around. Even the scriptures we study today, in the form of books and texts, once originated in the elevated minds of certain individuals. These elevated individual were our great spiritual scientists, our sages.
Now, you might say that people are becoming doctors, engineers, and other professionals through external knowledge.
Firstly, the kind of knowledge obtained in this manner turns a person into a robot, not a wise individual. You may call them a specialist or an expert, but essentially, they are robots only.
Now, you might argue that many doctors work with great wisdom and skill. That is because they merely use books as a reference, but contemplation, reflection, and repeated consideration of the subject are their own efforts. This is precisely what our scriptures explain.
At the end of the Upanishads and Vedas, there is a piece of advice that says, do not accept what is written as it is, but only after contemplation, reflection, and meditation, should you accept the facts.
Consciousness and Knowledge
To speak truthfully, knowledge cannot even be born without consciousness. Keep in mind, I am not talking about the knowledge found in books, and you aren’t asking about that kind of knowledge either. Consciousness will arise, and it will bring meditation along with it.
Consciousness is a mysterious power which comes after awakening the mysterious chakra.
How Will Consciousness Arise?
Consciousness will only emerge after deep meditation. If I speak in the language of chakras, when you cross the Anahata chakra or Heart Chakra and reach the Vishuddha chakra or the throat, that’s when you will understand what consciousness truly is.
From there, consciousness will start to awaken. Afterward, you will realize that the information you were feeding yourself from external sources wasn’t true knowledge. The understanding that develops after consciousness awakens, that is knowledge.

Only through deep meditation you can meet consciousness. By reading books or articles on consciousness, you never can touch even a bit of it.
Consciousness and the Power of Understanding
It is quite fascinating that consciousness brings the power of understanding along with it. Because without the power of understanding, you wouldn’t even be able to grasp what consciousness is.
When such an experience happens in life, your life transforms, and so does its purpose.
Thus, let go of mere intellectual knowledge because it cannot come without consciousness.
Who am I?

The question is as short and simple as its answer is difficult and filled with complexity.
In fact, the nature of human existence and the environment around it are structured in such a way that one hardly pays attention to the question – Who am I.
The very nature of the mind is such that it always runs outward. The five senses are designed to focus on the external world. In such a scenario, thoughts about the inner self do not naturally arise in the mind.
Who am I?
“Who am I?”—hardly anyone contemplates this question because the mind doesn’t allow it.

However, it’s not impossible to find an answer. There is a soul, or you may call it the self, or even by another name, which does awaken within everyone for fleeting moments, albeit rarely. If someone recognizes those moments, they embark on this inner journey, and if not, the world takes over.
How to Know Oneself?
The process begins with the power of concentration. Concentration is a power that not everyone possesses. Those who have it achieve success in life as well as in spirituality.
Without concentration, you won’t even recognize those moments I mentioned earlier. So, the first task is to develop concentration.
After that, one must understand consciousness. Without understanding consciousness, you will never know what the self is. However, consciousness is not something that can be grasped easily. But we have the tool of regular practice. Regular practice is like a “magical remedy” that has the potential to accomplish any task.
The true understanding
The true understanding will come to you only after you develop some degree of concentration. “Some concentration” means that even concentration has levels. The real secret lies here, in concentration.
As your mind becomes more focused, your life will begin to change accordingly. One thing to clearly understand is that without concentration, nothing will happen.
Kundalini Awakening and Sexual Desires

Kundalini awakening and sexual desires are closely related.
As kundalini rises in upward direction, it will inevitably effect sexuality. Sometimes when kundalini reaches at the Sacral Chakra or Swadhishthan Chakra, it evokes the sexual desires because some part of kundalini energy may converted into sexual energy.
Why it happened?
This happened because next channel is sometimes partially closed. If next channel (Manipura Chakra) is fully closed then their are great chances that sexual desires will evoke potentially. You will feel strong craving for sex.
That’s why it is always recommended that never play with kundalini by your own.
What is the solution?
Solution is different for different people. I first analyse the problem and then only decide the solution.
But here are some general solutions which are equally applicable to all to neutralize these excessive energies. These are:-
1. Grounding with Soil
2. Grounding with Water
3. Grounding with Moon Energies
These 3 points are specially for those who get stucked at the sacral chakra or Swadhishthan Chakra.
The Manipura Chakra
This is very tough chakra to cross. This is actually a powerful and is itself a potential source of energy. Powers resides here. Different energies of physical world are here to stop the passage of kundalini.
Kundalini actually flows through sushmna channel and it is very difficult to clear the sushumna passage specially at Manipura chakra.
How to deal with Manipura Chakra
What I give to my disciples is yoga nidra and some guided meditation techniques. I have developed some yoga nidra and guided meditation techniques specially for this chakra.
Some people start doing with beeja mantra directly which is a wrong way actually and is not advisable.
Technology behind Beeja Mantra

What is a mantra?
A mantra is a combination of different words which when chanted in a specific way gives specific results.
Different mantras have different meanings, different purposes. Different desires can be fulfilled with different mantras.
Science behind a mantra
Mantra are sounds of different frequencies and which when chanted create an electro magnetic fields of unknown energy and these energies work according to desires residing in your mind.
A mantra will create a yantra of sound waves around you. This subtle yantra of sound will do accordingly.
Beeja Mantra
Beeja mantras are very high frequency sounds. Beeja mantras produce quick and accurate results when chanted with accuracy.
Beeja mantra are not easy to chant. You have to learn them before using.
Chakra Beeja Mantra
Different chakra has different beej mantra and some mantras also have beeja mantra.
You can awaken a chakra with the help of a beej mantra. But this must be practiced under the guidance of a self realised guru.
Shakti Beeja Mantra
Shakti Beeja Mantra are also called as devi mantra and most of the mantra are related to mother goddess Durga.

These shakti beeja mantras are very powerful and create high level of energy field around you. To deal with these energy fields, is a little bit difficult. Sometimes these energy fields produce sensations at the different parts of our body. Sometimes these energy fields also give you jerks.
How to chant a beej mantra
A beej mantra need high level of concentration of you want desirable results out of which. So, you need to work on concentration power first. You have to enhance your level of concentration to chant a beej mantra correctly.
Besides it, a beej mantra is chanted in a specific way and a self realised guru can teach you the exact method of chanting.
You can chant your own, but it is not guaranteed that it will be correct and effective. Yes, it is certain that it won’t be harmful.
How to do Brain Meditation

What is brain meditation?
To rotate your awareness at different parts of the brain is known as brain meditation. At a later stage, we add the spine to the practices of brain meditation. But you must have a complete knowledge about it. You must know about the different brain parts and in what way you have to rotate your awareness on these parts.
Types of Brain Meditation
There are mainly two types:-
1. External Brain Meditation – This includes meditation on all external parts of the brain including spine.
2. Internal Brain Meditation – This includes all external parts and different internal parts of the brain. These parts are:- different lobes of our brain, different glands, and other parts.
Basic Preparation for Brain Meditation
You need to develop your concentration power and for that you can practice following meditation technique:-
- Trataka
- Yoga Nidra
- Breathing Exercises
- Pranayama
- Mantra Chanting
You can combine 2 or more techniques and this will give you comfortably and better results. Our main purpose is to enhance the level of our concentration.
Before you do brain meditation
I do not suggest to go with brain meditation directly because you will not get enough results. First do yoga nidra at least for 21 days regularly, then only try your first brain meditation technique.
How to start your first exercise
You have to do here on mind what you do in yoga nidra. You have to rotate your awareness at different external parts of your brain.
You have to rotate your awareness as shown in fig no. 1. This will be your first exercise. You will experience sensation on the different parts on which you are throwing your awareness.
Second Exercise of Brain Meditation
After practicing first exercise you do the second one. In second exercise you have to change to direction of movement of your awareness.
You have to do what is shown in above figure. In this way you have to do different exercises on the external parts of your brain.
Internal Brain Meditation
There are so many complications in internal brain meditation and only a guru decide what to do and what not to do. Practice of internal brain meditation depend upon outcomes from the external brain meditation. By analyzing the outcomes from external brain meditation we decide first internal brain meditation technique.
Benefits of Brain Meditation
Actual benefits cannot be described in words. You will feel so relaxed even if you practice first technique. You can observe change in your personality and thinking pattern within 7 days. Better sleep is the bye product only.
Your consciousness level will be enhanced. You enjoy the outcome, because every time you feel blessed.
My Experience with Brain Meditation
I have taught the brain meditation to the hundred of people throughout the world. I never prescribe these courses to everyone. First I decide the participant, I analyze the aura and concentration level. I do it, because I want to get 100% results for my students.
Most of my students got results within first 10 days. They experience a source of tremendous energies of different colors, sometimes. Some of them tranquilized within few seconds of their practices.
When they start with internal brain techniques they get lost in no where zone. They find a divine world of blessings around them and this happen very quickly.