Consciousness is the power which we generally not have. Most of the human being born without the power of consciousness. But it doesn’t mean they don’t get in the future. With the help of this great power life become so easy. You know the what you are.
Kundalini Awakening
Kundalini is the dormant force which is lying in sleeping mode in shushmna nadi and by different means when we force this divine energy to rise, it is called as Kundalini Awakening.
How to develop the consciousness power
Consciousness is directly related with the kundalini shakti. As you become conscious, you become more aware of the life.
Kundalini shakti not only increase the spiritual awareness but the general awareness also.
As kundalini starts rising, consciousness starts developing but at this point, no one directly become aware , awareness gradually increases with rising of kunadlini. sometimes kundalini rises partially and this situation reduces the level of awareness.
You become more aware and Powerful
Now you are not alone. You have now power of consciousness with you. This power of consciousness gives you leadership quality. This creates a high level of confidence within you. This is because your manipur chakra is now developed.
How Kundalini Awakening starts
Kundalini awakening starts at root chakra in Sushumna Nadi. Kundalini remains dormant in every human being at this place. Here 3 main nadis are originating. These are:-
- Pingla or The Sun Nadi
- Ida or The Moon Nadi
- Sushmna or Neutral Nadi
What is a Nadi?
A nadi is a subtle path where prana energy flows. Prana is a subtle invisible divine energy behind the life. Normally Prana flows through the 2 nadis, pingla and ida. But when this prana force to flow in Sushmna nadi, it is said that kundalini awakening starts.
Besides the power of consciousness and awareness kundalini gives a couple of other divine powers too. These powers show you lights in different paths of the life.